Conservation & Hunting


The Necessary Components

For Sustainable Growth in the Hunting Industry

Private Land

Private land is required for the sustainable management of wildlife and habitats. This should be private land as history has proven public land to be mismanaged over periods of time.

Prosperous Outfitters

When outfitters are doing well, breeding, and thus the preservation of our wildlife herds, are doing well. It is of utmost importance for hunting outfitters and lodge owners to prosper.

Quality Media

For the hunting industry to once again reclaim its high social status & reputation, we must first win the public opinion. In modern times, this can ONLY be done by producing high-quality, authentic and enticing media on a very regular basis.

Social Projects

To curb poaching and encourage the preservation of wild habitats we have to invest in the local communities who do not have "modern luxuries" to which most of us have become accustomed.


Aggressive anti-poaching is necessary to protect our most endangered species, and to protect the lives of those committed to preserving those species. Anti-poaching is an extremely expensive endeavour, and a community-based solution should be preferred.

Pristine Ethics

The hunting industry in Africa has had some bad apples and the relations among role players could be improved dramatically. This can only happen when a strict code of ethics is put in place and the public is made aware of those who do not adhere to it.

The Vehicle for Successful Implementation

To successfully grow the Safari industry, KC Safari Services has created several assets to make it easy to build and improve on the above components.

KCSS Travel

KC Safari Services (KCSS) has established excellent relations with many operators in the Travel industry. Through these relationships, we can provide unmatched tours & other travel services to you, which you may incorporate into your own business for your clients. 

KCSS is proud to support the Hunting Safari Industry. All our accommodations, activities, guides & more are chosen to be pro-hunting will ensure the most enjoyable stay for your guests possible. Choose to send your clients on tour with KCSS before or after their hunting Safari.

KCSS Marketing & Support Services

Advanced marketing techniques where we make use of the latest & most efficient marketing techniques is exactly where KCSS made our mark in the hunting industry. We are the leaders in Safari marketing, having the most in touch team and most experience of any of our competitors by a fair margin. 

Marketing in the hunting industry is about being quick to dismiss leads who won't turn into customers, yet being firmly personal at every point of interaction. This is achieved thorugh our tried, tested and constantly improved marketing techniques.

Safari Filming

Let this sink in for a second:

  • 85% Of US Citizens watch video regularly every month.
  • 54% of consumers say they will watch more video from a brand they love if it was available.
  • 87% of marketers agree video is the most effective marketing tool in their arsenal.
  • 88% of companies are satisfied with the ROI of video marketing.
  • The average internet user spends 89% more time on a website with video.
  • 1,8 million words worth of marketing can be fitted into a 1-minute video.
  • Videos are shared a 1200% more times than images & text combined.

Visual Content is clearly the way to go and clearly the preference of people from around the globe. So what are you waiting for? The Safari industry is by far the industry with the most opportunity to create stunning video content and with the assistance of KCSS, you have no excuse.

KCSS Design Studio

When it comes to the presentation of your brand, not one penny should be spared. Our studies show that it takes a potential client one-tenth of a second to form their initial perception of your company. This is a subconscious event and will have an impact on the first communication you have with them. 

On a more conscious level, your brand is the only thing that separates you from your competition when a client is shopping around. They will look at prices, yes, but then those prices will be compared to the "feeling" they have about the value you will give them. 

This is where clever and effective branding comes into play.

Project Savannah

Project Savannah was created in early 2019 by KC Safari Services, Africa's leading marketing firm for the outdoor industry. Its initial goal was a noble attempt at educating young adults on the truth of hunting in Africa. Project Savannah has since grown into a coalition of pro-utilisation advocates doing ground-level work to preserve & enlarge natural habitats for wildlife.

Helping Outfitters & PH's#LiveTheFreedom#LiveTheFreedom#LiveTheFreedom since 2017.

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